Randomise your messages facebook

You can easily add random messages to your Facebook page. You may for example, want to experiment with multiple calls to action – or offer multiple promotions to your audience. The Facebook Random tag lets you achieve that, without any programming. Here’s how:  

FBML code

1. <fb:random>

2. <fb:random-option weight=”2″>A: This will be shown 2 times as often as B.</fb:random-option>

3. <fb:random-option weight=”1″>B: This will be show half as often as A</fb:random-option>

4. </fb:random>


Monitor your pages with Google Analytics FBML code

A great social media campaign should focus on measurement over reach. One of the easiest ways to take a look at the data provided via a Facebook page is via Google Analytics. Thankfully, inclusion on an existing static FBML page is particularly easy. Here’s the code you need. Obviously, just replace the uacct with your own account ID to start collecting data about your page. FBML needed

<fb:google-analytics uacct=”UA-9999999-99″ />

Include Multimedia FBML code

Multimedia objects such as flash, video and images can also be easily added to Fan Pages. If for example you wanted some flash video, or embedding of a flash game, the FB:swf, and FB:flv are perfect candidates. More details on the format of the API request available here for FLV and here for SWF. FBML needed (Flash object).

<fb:swf swfbgcolor=”ffffff” swfsrc=’http://www.yoursite.com/flash.swf’ width=’380′ height=’250′ />

(FLV video)

<fb:flv src=’http://www.yoursite.com/video-gallery/video.flv’ />


1. <fb:photo pid=”12345″ />

2. <img src=”http://www.yoursite.com/image.jpg” />

FBML Admin Codes

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Add Your News Facebook Page

If your blog or website offers subscription via email, an additional place to find subscribers is within the Facebook network. Fans that stumble upon your page, or are invited by others may want to add themselves to your subscriber list directly from you page, without visiting your site. Using the code that your newsletter provider gave you, you can easily create a newsletter tab with a subscribe box. Whilst this isn’t strictly FBML (its just HTML) – its an easy way to increase your reach and exposure on the cheap. FBML needed. Something similar to below. This is what I’m using folks.

1. <form action=”http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify” method=”post” target=”popupwindow” onsubmit=”window.open(‘http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=WebDesignInIrelandBlog’, ‘popupwindow’, ’scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520′);return true”>

2. <p>Enter your email address:</p>

3. <p><input type=”text” style=”width:140px” name=”email”/></p>

4. <input type=”hidden” value=”WebDesignInIrelandBlog” name=”uri”/>

5. <input type=”hidden” name=”loc” value=”en_US”/>

6. <input type=”submit” value=”Subscribe” /> </form>

Facebook Gives SEO Credit to Links in FBML Applications

In editing the HubSpot Facebook Page yesterday, I discovered a loophole that allowed me to pass SEO credit from links in Facebook FBML applications.

What happend???

In an effort to make the HubSpot Facebook Page more interesting, engaging, and, yes, lead generating, I finally decided to custom code some marketing offers for our Page.

Some time ago, Facebook added the functionality to allow Pages to add custom content via applications that essentially serve as a blank canvas you can code with HTML or FBML (Facebook Markup Language).

While updating the custom code for our Page, I discovered that the links I added were passing SEO (search engine optimization) credit to our website!
What does this mean?

For any of you SEO newbies, the quantity and quality of links into your website are a major determinant of how well your website ranks in search engines. And a link from Facebook – a domain with great reputation and lots of SEO juice – is an incredibly high quality link. Review the basics of search engine optimization to learn more about the value of link love.
So what?

This is the first case of Facebook providing SEO credit to links from within Facebook, and very likely a loophole that Facebook didn’t catch. Allowing follow links in a powerful site like Facebook could encourage some black-hat SEO folks to start spam link-building. To avoid that, most links in Facebook are either:

(1) “No Follow” Links – The link is tagged in such a way to tell search engines not to pass any link love to the linked-to site.

(2) Redirects – Facebook first takes you to a page that warns the user that they are about to leave Facebook.
How do I get a link from Facebook?

Anyone with a Page on Facebook can code a link to their website. All you need to do is add one of the FBML applications to your Page (search for FBML in the Facebook search box to find one of the applications) and edit the application box to add your code (you’ll need to know basic HTML).

The FBML application is actually quite powerful – beyond just adding links to your website – this functionality allows you to hard code a custom box or tab to further engage fans on your Page. If you feel limited by the third party applications and current Facebook Page functionality, the custom FBML application gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of the content and features you can add to your Page.

All this said, Facebook is pretty darn smart and will very possibly correct this loophole.

UPDATE: Facebook now has made links from FBML boxes “no follow” links. While FBML applications no longer give SEO credit, they are still great opportunities to create custom interesting content for your fans!

What is FBML?

Looking for a freelance web designer job that is currently in big demand? Ever since Facebook was opened to developers, a big market has grown for custom apps. If you want to jump on the bandwagon for custom Facebook applications you can wind up using your web design skill in ways you never thought of, but first you need to learn the Facebook Markup Language or FBML. This language allows you to create applications that tie directly into the Facebook experience, including FB profiles, feeds and more.

FBML is a modified version of HTML with some features discarded and other, Facebook-specific attributes added. Some CSS attributes are deleted for security reasons, and FBML has a set of unique tags you will be required to learn to create apps properly. If you are already familiar with Facebook, you’re one step ahead of the game; learning FBML can give you much more flexibility and opportunity to score freelance web designer jobs or create and market your own apps.

Embed Your YouTube Channel or Playlist in a Static FBML Page

Create the Custom Video Player in your Channel Account

Log in to your YouTube account;

Once you are logged in, you want to go to this URL:

Make your selections, making sure that, under “Layout,” you select the player that doesn’t have the two columns of thumbnails to the right of the main video (the one on the left, below):

Video Player layout choices

(You want to use the narrower player because Facebook plans to reduce the width of Application Tabs from 760px to 520px in “early 2010″)

Select the videos to populate your slideshow/player (“My Videos”, “My Favorites” or a Playlist):

Content for Player

After choosing all your options, click the “Generate Code” at the bottom of the page;

Your “Embed Code” that is generated will look something like this:

<object width="416" height="337"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/cp/vjVQa1PpcFNbP_fag8PvopkXZyiXyT0J8U47lw7x5Fc="></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/cp/vjVQa1PpcFNbP_fag8PvopkXZyiXyT0J8U47lw7x5Fc=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="416" height="337"></embed></object>

Create the FBML Code for Static FBML

You will need to extract the “value” string from the <param> tag in the YouTube-generated code and make it the value for “imgsrc”:

imgstyle="border-width:3px; border-color:white;"
imgsrc='http://www.hyperarts.com/facebook/umf/click-to-play.gif' width='492' height='391'/>

The “imgsrc” is the absolute URL to the image that will be clicked on to load the video player in your FBML page (Facebook doesn’t allow Flash to load or JavaScript to run until the user takes an action, usually a click). Make sure the image is the same dimensions as the width and height values of the video player, as reflected in the YouTube-generated code (492 x 391px, in the example here).

Simply paste the code into your Static FBML instance and, assuming the URLs to the player and to the load image are correct, it should work.

NOTE: If you can’t get it working, make sure:

  • The URLs to both the activation image (imgsrc) and the video channel are correct. You can test them by pasting the URL into your browsers address bar and accessing the image or video channel directly. If you can’t access them via this method, your URL is incorrect.
  • You have closed the <fb:swf> tag, with </fb:swf>. If the tag isn’t closed, it won’t work.
  • All quotes are closed. It doesn’t matter if they’re single (‘) or double (“), but they must match and they must be closed (width=’xxx’ or width=”xxx” – NOT width=’xxx or width=”xxx or width=”xxx’ ).

For businesses or organizations that have a YouTube channel, the good news is that you can embed a slideshow of your YouTube channel on a Static FBML application tab page. The presentation is quite nice, with the main video and, below it, a scrollable row of thumbnails that appears when the big video is moused over.